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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:    为学生就业提供指导和要求,并确保符合规定, 规则, 和政策 as related to student employment.


The employment of students is encouraged to enhance student educational interests, support student financial needs, 和 provide students with work experience.  365英国上市官网(OU)的工作人员雇用学生员工和在365英国上市官网工作并符合学生员工定义的学生员工受本政策要求的约束.  All student employment 政策, 流程, 程序, 和做法是通过公开大学财政援助办公室,并按照适用的法律法规进行管理.  本政策的例外情况由财政援助和奖学金主任根据规定酌情决定, 规则, 和政策. 

研究生 assistantship 政策, 流程, 程序, 和实践由365英国上市官网研究生院根据适用的法律法规进行管理.

适用范围及适用性:  这项政策适用于所有雇佣学生的公开大学教职员工,以及所有在公开大学工作的学生.


联邦工作研究: 联邦财政援助计划,为符合条件的学生雇员提供部分工资资助. 

研究生助教奖学金: 在聘任期内从事与其学术课程相关的研究和/或教学和/或其他服务的研究生雇员. 

招聘主管: 拥有部门财务权力并负责雇用学生从事校内工作的公开大学教职员工. 

正规学生就业: OU department funded program for wages for student employees. 

学生员工: An individual (i) who has been admitted to an OU degree seeking program, or is participating in OU's English as a Second Language Program ("非母语英语课程"), OU's American Semester Abroad Program ("ASAP"), or is enrolled at OU as an exchange student, (ii) whose primary purpose is to be a student, (iii) is enrolled at least half time at OU, (iv) is authorized to work for OU in the United States; (v) who meets the requirements for an available position at OU, 和 (vi) who is employed by OU as a student employee.  在暂时未注册期间,个人可能被视为学生雇员, such as the summer semester if the individual meets the 合格标准 由开放大学不时建立和修订,并且在国际学生的情况下,法律允许在未注册期间将其视为学生雇员.    


Hiring Supervisors are required to post student employment positions, with the exception of 研究生 Assistantships, 遵循财政援助办公室的发布程序(见附录-招聘主管信息).  职位必须在学生被选中前至少三天公布.  Positions are not 所有owed to be posted through any other channels. 

Hiring Supervisors must comply with the Equal Opportunity Policy. 

学生在获得财政援助办公室或研究生院研究生助理的授权后才能开始工作.  未经授权为学生工作违反了学校的政策,并使学校面临来自美国移民局的罚款和/或处罚的风险.S. 美国劳工部.S. Department of Homel和 Security, U.S. 教育部, 和 can jeopardize the visa status of international students. 

Students are not permitted to work during any enrolled class or exam time. 

Except as otherwise provided in this Policy, or as otherwise limited by applicable law, 在秋季和冬季学期,学生员工每周最多可以工作25个小时, 和 40 hours per week during weeks when classes are not in session 和 during the summer; provided, 然而, that applicable law may limit some Student Employees, including without limitation international, 非母语英语课程 和 ASAP students 和 exchange students, to fewer hours of work at certain times during the academic year.  Note: exams are considered to be classes in session.  Student Employees can work up to 1,440 hours per year, calculated October 1 - September 30.  Student Employees are not eligible for benefits unless required by law. 

国际, 非母语英语课程, exchange 和 ASAP students cannot work more than 20 hours per week, during periods of active enrollment, 除非适用法律明确允许,并事先获得经济援助办公室(本科生和/或研究生)或研究生院(研究生助理)的书面批准,并获得国际学生和365英国上市官网办公室的批准.      

获得全日制研究生助教奖学金的研究生需要在秋季和冬季学期平均每周提供20小时的服务, as described in their 研究生 Assistantship contract.  在没有研究生院事先书面批准的情况下,全职研究生助理不能在开放大学从事任何额外的学生就业任务.  国际学生还必须获得国际学生和365英国上市官网办公室的批准.

获得兼职研究生助教奖学金的研究生需要在秋季和冬季学期平均每周提供10小时的服务, as described in their 研究生 Assistantship contract.  兼职研究生助理可以额外工作10个小时的常规学生就业任务,但未经研究生院事先书面批准,不能额外工作超过10个小时的常规学生就业任务.  

Maximum work hours apply to the combined hours worked per week for 所有 positions held by Student Employee at OU.  从事多项工作的学生雇员必须将其所有工作通知其招聘主管.  Student employees are required to self-monitor their total hours worked per week, 所有工作的总和, to ensure they do not exceed the weekly limits.  Student Employees exceeding the weekly work hour limit may be subject to termination.  招聘主管还负责监督学生员工每周的工作时数和累计工作时数.  招聘主管必须记录每个学生雇员的工作日期和时间.  Students are paid for 所有 time worked.  Work time must be reported according to 公开大学薪给办公室 招聘主管必须保留工作时间报告程序和每天工作时间的文件.  Falsifying work time reporting is a violation of U.S. 美国劳工部.S. Department of Homel和 Security, 和 U.S 教育部 regulations 和 University policy; this includes reporting work time on days 和 times the student did not work 和/or exceeding the maximum hours 所有owed. 违反该政策将使学校面临联邦罚款和/或处罚的风险,并可能危及国际学生的签证状态.


Student Employees with access to confidential information such as educational records, 学生财务资料, 健康信息, 和 social security numbers must sign the 365英国上市官网 Employee 和 Student Intern Confidentiality Agreement form.  The form must be presented to the Student Employee by the Hiring Supervisor.  Hiring Supervisors must retain the signed copy in the Student Employee’s employment file.  招聘主管必须确保学生雇员明白,机密信息不得用于工作职责以外的任何必要用途.  招聘主管还必须确保学生雇员熟悉365英国上市官网的规定 Policy 830 - Information Technology 和 Policy 860 - Information Security 政策.

Policy 200 - Authorized Signers

Policy 406 - Conflict of Interest Policy

Policy 470 – Release of Student Educational Records

Policy 710 - Administration Guidelines Prohibiting Discrimination

Policy 712 - Equal Opportunity Policy

Policy 830 - Information Technology

Policy 860 - Information Security

Policy 880 - System Administration Responsibilities

Policy 890 - Use of University Information Technology 资源


学生就业: Information for Hiring Supervisors